Sunshine Coast Surf/Weather Report
Winds :South to South Westerly 10 to 15 knots. Turning Sth Easterly 15 to 25 knots
Seas : Below 1 metre, increasing to 2.5 to 3 metres during the evening.
Swell : Easterly 1 metre , tending Sth Easterly to 1.5 metres in the evening
Water Temp : 23c
Tides : Low 8.46am– High 2.24pm (Mooloolah River)
Spinkys’s Tip To Get Ya Froth On :
There will be some waves on all the open beach breaks this morning.
We should see some extra size Sunday morning, due to howling Sth East winds overnight.
Check all the open beaches, Coolum through to Sunshine Beach and the
Kawana to Currimundi stretch..Get in early.