• September 8, 2024 11:30 AM

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Weather Situation

A ridge extends along the southern Queensland coast. The ridge will be maintained during the next few days as a strong high pushes eastwards through New South Wales.

Sunshine Coast Waters Forecast: Double Island Point to Cape Moreton

WindsNorthwesterly 10 to 15 knots turning northerly 15 to 20 knots in the late morning.

Seas : Around 1 metre.

Swell :  Southeasterly below 1 metre.

Weather : Mostly sunny. 30% chance of a shower inshore from late this morning. Near zero chance of rain elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm.


Water Temp : 21 c

Air Temp :  27c Max – 13c Min

Today’s UV Index :    Very High 9.86 max (UV )

Tides : High –  9.25 am  (  1.86m )  Low 3.36 pm ( 0.13m ) (Alexandra Headland)

Spinkys’s Best Bet To Get Ya Froth On :


Listen to 106fiveFM  for updated surf throughout the day.

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